Age-friendly Salford enhances the quality of life for older residents by encouraging active participation and community engagement. We offer activities that help older adults stay informed, connected, and respected, supporting them to lead fulfilling lives.
Ageing Well
Age Friendly Salford is a programme of work funded by Salford City Council to deliver a collaborative approach to working across agencies and with older people ensuring the best outcomes for older people. Supporting residents of Salford to live healthy and active lives, reducing the risk of poor health as we age.
Inspiring Communities Together, Age UK Salford and Salford CVS have been working in partnership with older people and key partners since 2014 to develop and deliver an ageing in place model within neighbourhoods of Salford.
Age Friendly Salford
Age Friendly Salford is a programme of work contracted by Salford City Council. Inspiring Communities Together are the lead partner working in partnership with Age UK Salford and Salford CVS.
Age Friendly Salford development workers deliver a programme of activities for older people in the community. Age Friendly Salford activities are a great way for you to increase your wellbeing and social engagement and can help reduce loneliness and social isolation.
Walk and Talk
Join Age Friendly Salford on Walk and Talk which visits a different green or blue space in Salford each week. Get active and take notice in our lovely park…
Brew and Chat
Come along for a brew and a chat at Pendleton, Eccles or Swinton Library. Meet new friends, get wellbeing support and find out what’s going on in your local area. Contact us for days and time.
Tech and Tea
Tech and Tea is a five week course helping older people to learn and develop their digital skills over tea and biscuits! Learn how to stay safe online, find information and connect with family & friends. Tech and Tea runs in community venues across the city. We provide you with a brand new tablet for a deposit of £30. You can keep the tablet once you finish the course or return it and receive the £30 back.
Ageing In place Pathfinder
The Ageing in Place Pathfinder, in partnership with GMCA, works in Charlestown and Pendleton, Salford, to create age-friendly spaces. Our goal is to bring people together, support isolated residents, and find new ways to improve health and wellbeing.
Get involved
We offer volunteering opportunities with Green Champions and Age Friendly Salford Wellbeing Champions. Find out more by clicking below!